For me, writing a poem is like solving a puzzle. What rhymes and rhythm can I play with today? What words will be the most delicious ones to say out loud? What poetic form will best suit my subject? How can I bring an image alive in a reader’s mind? I love puzzles… and playing with poetry!
My most recent books are poetry picture books. On a Snow-Melting Day: Seeking Signs of Spring, is an extended poem that celebrates the change of season. I was honored that it was selected as a 2021 Notable Poetry Book by the NCTE. On a Gold-Blooming Day: Finding Fall Treasures is also written as a poem, and was selected as a 2023 CLA/NCTE Notable Children’s Books in the Language Arts. Other poetry picture books include On a Flake-Flying Day: Watching Winter Wonders and Starlight Symphony.
You can also find my poems in these anthologies:
I also write poems for popular children’s magazines. Some of my magazine poems are reprinted on my blog, which you can read here, here, here, and here. Visit my blog for more poetry.
What Does a River Rock Gather?
Riffles and ripples
Water-smoothed edges,
A ride on the river
A view of green sedges.
An eddy, a burble
An oxbow to slow it,
A sparkle, a shine
A song for a poet.
—Buffy Silverman
Published in Cricket, 3/2019
Poetry begs to be read aloud. Click here to hear me read a couple of my poems on my friend Renee LaTulippe’s No Water River blog. Try to “Be the Beat” with me as you watch a reading here.
Here I am reading my poem “Think of an Atom” from the Poetry Friday Anthology for Science.
Watch two first graders read one of my poems from the Poetry Friday Anthology for Celebrations: