An Eclipse Story

Back in 2017 we made a family trek to southern Illinois to witness the eclipse (you can see some magical photos taken by the older offspring here, along with a poem I wrote at the time.) Monday’s path of totality is going to be a whole lot closer, but we are avoiding the crowds and […]

Frogs For Lunch

Happy National Poetry Month! This week I participated in a fun lunch-time poetry workshop with my friend Shutta Crum, sponsored by the Jax Poetry Fest. The workshop was entitled BEYOND HAIKU and introduced 3 short forms that were new to me: Tetractys, Pensee, and Chastushka. The beauty of short forms with very specific structures is […]

The Game of Nonsense

I’m still keeping up (at least most days) with the challenge of a poem a day for Laura Shovan’s February Poetry Project. Sunday was my turn to offer a prompt, and I relied on one of my NYTimes word game addictions. I posted the previous day’s spelling bee answers (maybe I just wanted to show-off […]

It’s Game Month

Like many other Poetry Friday folks, I’ve been participating in Laura Shovan’s February Poetry Project. The theme this month is games. Other than a daily obsession with a few of the NYTimes word games, I’m not really much of a game player. BUT, I do enjoy the challenge of a poem a day and plan […]

Winter Light

Happy winter solstice! It’s a gray day in Michigan, which seems fitting for the shortest day of the year. The smattering of snow we had earlier this week is mostly gone. But even though today is the solstice, sunset has been getting later for the past couple of weeks. Starting tomorrow the day length will […]