An Eclipse Story

Back in 2017 we made a family trek to southern Illinois to witness the eclipse (you can see some magical photos taken by the older offspring here, along with a poem I wrote at the time.) Monday’s path of totality is going to be a whole lot closer, but we are avoiding the crowds and traffic this time, and watching the partial show from home.

I wrote a story for CLICK about the eclipse in 2017. CLICK republished the story this month, so I thought I would share it here. I hope some of the kiddos in your life enjoy it.

8 thoughts on “An Eclipse Story

  1. What a fun and informative story, Buffy–and how great that Click reprinted it! I’m writing this after the eclipse. It was so overcast here in Minnesota that I couldn’t even notice ANY darkening of the sky. Sigh. Maybe next time. Hope you saw a bit of it!

  2. What a great experience to have your article be reprinted for this year’s eclipse! We traveled to Dallas today to enjoy the event – though it likely will be cloudy. But dark!

  3. Dear Buffy, you had me at the title. Yay for the reprint and for you making this topic so fun and easily digestible in your classic Buffy way! xo

  4. Wonderful, Buffy! This would be such fun to read to a group at school! We saw the elipse in 2017, went to visit my brother in mid-Missouri, & then went to Santa Fe to see the Annular elipse last October. I’ll see just a bit this year but it will still be great. It is such an amazing experience.


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