Gosling Time!

Our little lake is a popular spot for Canada geese this time of year. A pair has been hanging out near our dock for over a month, and I wondered if they had a nest in the nearby thicket. The other day I found the answer–the male goose positioned himself between me and the dock […]

Jeepers, Creepers…

Last Friday I attended a wonderful session of the Fay B. Kaigler Children’s Book Festival. Irene Latham, Laura Purdie Salas, and Vikram Madan all gave great tips on sharing and inspiring poetry with students, using examples from their own and other’s poems. If you’re interested, you can find a recording of the workshop here. As […]

Mergansers on my mind

It’s that time of year when migrating ducks stop on our little lake for a day or two before heading farther north. On Sunday afternoon the spouse noticed a few diving ducks. I headed down to the dock and counted five red-breasted mergansers. They were too far away to try to photograph but the sun […]