Dreaming of Blue

I’m sure many of you share my anxiety about the upcoming election. I admit to obsessively checking polls and waking up in the middle of the night, worrying about the election’s outcome and fearing for the state of our democracy (and our climate, our health, our children’s future…) My vote has been cast for weeks, […]

This Poem is a Nest

My oh my–what a treat to get an early peek at Irene Latham’s new book, This Poem is a Nest! Are you a fan of found poems? Of nature poems? Of clever puzzles? Of delicious language? Of Irene Latham’s poetry? I can answer yes, yes, yes, yes, and yes. But even if you have fewer […]

Toadpole Time

This is the time of year when nature is in a hurry. Every day a new flower blooms, every day the canopy of leaves grows. I’ve been spending a lot of time outside with the hound and my camera, taking in the feast. Over at Today’s Little Ditty, Margaret Simon challenged us to write poems […]


I was out back with the hound today and noticed a crowd of Canada geese near my neighbors’ dock. One goose paddled close to shore, and was quickly chased away by another. Wondering what was causing the hullabaloo, I tiptoed through the woods for a closer look and found….goslings! After a quick trip back to […]

A Few Water Poems

Laura Shovan has a #WaterPoemProject going on at her blog, with terrific prompts each day for National Poetry Month. I intended to participate regularly in the project. My actual participation has been…. somewhat less than regular. But I jumped back on the bandwagon this week and wrote for a couple of the prompts. On Tuesday […]

Progressive Poem 2020

I’m happy to be participating in the Progressive Poem again this year. The Progressive Poem is an April tradition, started by Irene Latham and continued this year by Margaret Simon. Each poet adds a line as the poem builds and travels from blog to blog. This year’s poem has turned into a choose-your-own adventure, with […]

Goose Talk

Happy Poetry Friday! How are you celebrating National Poetry Month? I intended to participate in Laura Shovan’s Water Poem Project this month. I have not written a poem for every prompt, but I figured I should at least write something for the prompt I offered. And there’s still time to respond to those I missed. […]