If you’re a Poetry Friday regular, you already know that today is National Macaroni and Cheese Day. Leave it to Tabatha to suggest a Poetry Friday Mac-n-Cheese celebration (yes, that same Tabatha who organizes the splendid Summer Poetry Swap–more about the poetry treasures I’ve received in a late summer post.)
I make a mean macaroni and cheese, and we enjoy eating it fairly regularly around here. But my pasta love was really not inspiring much poetry love, so I started brainstorming other ideas. A detective named Mac N. Cheese? A worm named Mac who toiled through cheesy soil? Hmmm…maybe not. Here’s where my brainstorming eventually led:
Mac and Cheese (A Love Story)
Mac loved Cheese.
She rubbed his ears.
She brushed his fuzzy back.
Cheese loved Mac.
He licked her face.
His tail went thwack-a-thwack!
Let’s play ball!
Cheese nudged Mac’s hand.
She threw it long and hard.
Cheese bounded off,
a furry streak
across the grassy yard,
sniffing here,
zipping there—
a wild, zigzag romp,
down the hill,
past the fence,
into the neighbor’s swamp….
Stop! yelled Mac.
but Cheese ran on
through deep and sticky muck,
goo and gush,
oozy slime
‘til Cheese’s legs were stuck!
Mac arrived
with leash in hand.
She clipped it on his collar,
picked him up
and hauled him home.
She didn’t gripe or holler.
Cheese’s fur
was thick with crud,
and smelly as a skunk.
Mac washed Cheese
(Cheese soaked Mac.)
No more grime and gunk.
Mac loved Cheese.
She rubbed his ears.
She brushed his furry back.
Cheese loved Mac.
He licked her face.
His tail went thwack-a-thwack!
–©Buffy Silverman, 07/14/2017
I can’t wait to read what other poems have been cooked up for today! Visit The Opposite of Indifference to find all the delicious offerings.
Stopping by late to say: This is adorable! Your poem reminds me of Victoria Coe’s FENWAY AND HATTIE series of young middle grade books about a girl and her terrier puppy.
So does this mean he’s a Cheese Dog??? 😀
Fun poem, Buffy!
What a fun verse story, Buffy! Thanks for pics, too!
What a fun pair! (Rafa looks like she’s saying, “Lies, all lies! It wasn’t me!) I love poems with happy endings. 🙂
Perfect! I love the description and dialogue in this narrative poem. Great word choice-so full of action and spunk!
I love me a good story poem!
I love where your brainstorming took you. This is such a fun dog poem, smelly gunk and all.
It doesn’t make me hungry – especially with all that gunk… but is sure was a fun poem. I’ve all sorts of crazy imaginings of that swamp monster.
DOGS! Love this playful, personified take on the theme – and those great pictures! :0) Woof!
I agree with Jane’s comment, Buff, this would make a fun children’s book SERIES!
Well, this just sounds like the beginning of a kids’ book series – imagine all the adventures those two could get up to!
Awww, sweet and simple and little sticky, just like macaroni and cheese!
I like how this love story is just ” a day in the life…” Loving every day — even when things turn messy, stinky, and wet!
I’m in love with that “thwack-a-thwack” tail!
It’s so fun to see all the directions this crazy theme is taking us!
Of course it would be a love story. 🙂 🙂 Thank you, Buffy for the deliciousness this morning. xo
Smile-inducing, fun romp.
Well done, Buffy! The things we do for our furry friends! It’s such fun seeing so many different kinds of poems inspired by macaroni & cheese.
so fun!
Love that last line. I liked your goopy, muddy down-and-dirty take.
What a delightful tale of Mac and Cheese, Buffy. I, too, thought this would make a great start for a children’s book. Now, in rereading the poem, I thought about the title, and smiled.
I like how you brought the poem round again!
Delightful Buffy, even with the “sticky muck.” Sounds like a picture book brewing to me . . . Thanks!
Hey! We both did poems about kids and their dogs, Cheese! I really enjoyed yours, especially the “thwack-a-thwack” of Cheese’s tail.
LOL! What a fantastic take on Mac & Cheese. You always bring such fun to your poems. Thanks for sharing this.