In the Moonlight

Two weeks ago, the mailman brought me a wonderful surprise–the January issue of Spider Magazine with a poem of mine! The poem was accepted several years ago (2007!) and I did not know it had been scheduled for publication. The January issue is the 20th anniversary of Spider Magazine, and it’s nice to be part of Spider’s birthday celebration (and to have Kristina Swarner’s terrific illustration accompany my poem.)

This poem was one of the best gifts my husband has given me.  He was looking out our upstairs window at the snow-covered yard and noticed that the long dark shadows of the trees on the moonlit snow looked like spider webs.  I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote this poem:


Looking for more poetry to keep you warm this winter?  Head over to I Think in Poems where Betsy is hosting Poetry Friday!18923_original

And if you’re looking for some inspiration for the new year, consider participating in Shannon Abercrombie’s  “Start The Year Off Write” challenge.  I’ve signed up, and think it will be a good way to rev up the writing motor.Badge_StartTheYearOffWrite

32 thoughts on “In the Moonlight

  1. Lovely poem, Buffy. I have not thought of icy, snowy trees as spider webs before. A beautiful image in words and the illustration captures it clearly. Congratulations. P stands for poetry, poets, poems and I guess we need to add publishing patience!

  2. Buffy, it’s beautifully done. I love serendipitous stories. Your husband really did you a big favor! Congratulations on the publication and the gorgeous illustration that shows your idea so well. I love shadows on snow, have a pic as my heading of it & it does sort of look like webs. I never noticed before!

  3. Congratulations! Beautiful poem and illustration! I had to smile when I read how long it took to see this poem in print. I had done accepted about two years ago, so I guess it will take a while before it gets published! : )

  4. Th thing I love about poetry is that it allows you to experience the world in new and unexpected ways. I shall be looking for snowy spider webs thanks to your lovely poem.

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