It’s Halloweensie time again at Susanna Leonard Hill’s blog. The challenge this year is to:
write a 100 word Halloween story appropriate for children (children here defined as 12 and under) (title not included in the 100 words), using the words shiver, cauldron, and howl
Here’s my Halloweensie entry, written on Halloween!
The Wavering Witch
Witch’s hands were trembling.
She tiptoed out the door.
Candles flickered wildly.
She heard a gusty roar.
A horde of creatures gathered,
cloaked in eerie sheets.
Their scuffling, clomping footsteps
echoed on the street.
She clutched her broom. She faltered,
spooked by the fearsome troop.
Their raucous din was growing.
They yowled, moaned, and whooped.
Her legs were quivering jelly.
She started to retreat
until her stomach growled,
recalling tasty treats.
A cauldron filled with candy
will halt the shivering fright
of howling ghouls and goblins
that prowl through the night!
–©Buffy Silverman
If you’ve stopped by to read on Friday, be sure to visit Jama’s Alphabet Soup for this week’s Poetry Friday roundup AND an inspiring call to action on Tuesday. VOTE!
Mmm. A cauldron of candy. I’d stick around too. I haven’t participated in Halloweensie in a few years. Reading your poem was a fun reminder of this great tradition.
Great rhythm and rhyme of course, Buffy! And a really cute story to boot! Well done.
I’ll take a cauldron of candy anytime to calm the nerves. This was so much fun to read. Great job!
Great job, Buffy! Your rhyme is always spot on! Love the idea of a witch being spooked by Halloween 🙂 Thanks for joining in the Hallweensie fun!
I love the thought (and wordplay) of the witch being spooked. Your internal rhyme and onomatopoeia add to the fun!
You know how to rhyme! I love the way you slow it down at times, and how the full-stops provide a sort of beat of their own.
Fun! So full of tasty wordsmith
I’m impressed that you completed this fine poem in one day! The wonderful verbs really give it movement. I like how it turns from fright to tummy pleasing at the end.
Great word choice, Buffy! What a fun contest! Good luck!
Oooo Buffy, I like your scary Halloween tale–good luck with it!
I love it! Such a fun poem, and it reads beautifully! You are amazing!
Impressive, especially in a day! Love how easily this reads! Good luck, though you don’t need it! 🙂
Ha! I always love your unique perspectives, Buffy – what a fun poem! :0)
I love the contest, have tried before but just didn’t have time this year. Your story/poem is wonderful, Buffy. Poor poor witch, needs some chocolate! Best wishes!
Love love love! Hope you win!!
Nice imagery and rhyme. Good luck!
Wonderful language, a great mood piece, and a fun ending, Buffy!
Fun! You wrote that in a day?!
Procrastination rules….
So cool that witches get scared too! And this clever witch figured out how to make the scary ghouls and goblins, not so scary at all. Cute story and wonderful poem.
Thank you, Traci!
There’s nothing like a cauldron full of candy to settle the nerves Even a witch can waver.
Of course on November 1st that cauldron of candy may add a little jumpiness to the air!
What a great poem. Fun story too. Good luck!
You too, Johnell!
cute, cute, cute!
Thank you!